Appointment of Yannick Lacoste, Executive Adviser
February 18, 2019
Nouvelle app BibliMags
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October 24, 2019
Appointment of Yannick Lacoste, Executive Adviser
February 18, 2019
Nouvelle app BibliMags
Download the New BibliMags App!
October 24, 2019

Publishers can rely on BibliMags

Alliance for Audited Media

A Data audit was conducted by the Alliance for Audited Media on BibliMags

Digital magazines for Canadian library users – by

A Data audit was conducted by the Alliance for Audited Media on BibliMags, which confirmed the Publisher revenue share calculation for April/May 2019. “In our opinion, BibliMags report is fairly stated, in all material respects” Alliance for Audited Media

“We are very pleased by the Data audit outcome, which is the result of long term efforts with all our partners. Publishers can rely on BibliMags system for their financial reporting.” Yannick Lacoste, executive, BibliMags

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