Is my local library offering BibliMags service?
Read all your digital magazines for free with your local library!

Get access for free to over 9500 magazines and newspapers from the most popular to the most specialized in many categories: culture, entertainment, fashion, well being, health, teen, sport, celebrities, history, travel, journals, nature, etc.

Discover an extensive Canadian offer both in English and French, along wih the most complete international catalog in 60 languages such as: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Swedish...

Get latest issues and back issues, that you may read online or download and keep on your devise

Get news and information on your prefered magazines and your local library
How does it work?

It's easy!
Check by clicking here if your local library offers BibliMags service in Québec

Elsewhere in the world, check with our partner by clicking here if your local library offers cloudLibrary NewsStand by BibliMags service (today available in Canada outside Qc, US, Australia and New Zealand)

If you're not yet a member of your local participating library, please register by contacting your local library directly

With your participating local library member ID in hand, in Québec access BibliMags service for free online or via "BibliMags" apps for Android and Apple! and elsewhere in the world via "cloudLibrary NewsStand by BibliMags" online and apps service in partenership with

It's easy!
Any Québec library can subscribe to BibliMags service

Elsewhere in the world, libraries located in Canada outside Qc, US, Australia and New Zealand can offer BibliMags service with our partner and the cloudLibrary NewsStand service by BibliMags

Contact BibliMags to benefit from a service agreement and a price grid negociated with all libraries and publishers, and get a free trial account

We can set up BibliMags service and provide you with great advantages in no time, it all depends on you!

It's easy!
Your digital magazines aimed at the general public can be offered on BibliMags!

Contact us to get our digital content commercialization agreement for libraries

It's free of charge for the publisher, and you get the same advantageous commissions and conditions negociated with all publishers

In Québec, download BibliMags
for free on
App Store and Google Play

Elsewhere in the world
download cloudLibrary NewsStand by BibliMags
on App Store and Google Play
In Québec,
BibliMags is a project in partenership
with is a non-profit organization founded by over 1000 public libraries in Québec in order to develop digital services in libraries. BibliMags is a concerted project among different stakeholders: libraries, publishers, users and government bodies.
More globally,
BibliMags is commercialized in partenership
OCLC is a non-profit organization created by and for libraries. With more than 30,000 member libraries, OCLC is one of the largest partner of libraries in the world. The cloudLibrary NewsStand service by BibliMags in partnership with is now available in Canada (outside Québec), United States, Australia and New Zealand.

BibliMags is powered
by Magzter is a world leader in digital magazines and newspapers solutions. Magzter powers BibliMags apps and online service in Québec and cloudLibrary NewsStand by BibliMags apps and service internationally (in Canada outside of Québec, US, Australia and New Zealand) and provides content.